Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Creative Title For A Birthday Party

MERCY MEET THE 16 AND October 17, 2010

A wee k end of Divine Mercy: peace, joy, thanksgiving

Report Laurence
In this week of Missions, we can say that the relics of St. Faustina came to us, encourage us in the mission, what needs! I saw the crowds outside who wandered into badal in relaxation, while valiantly, like Moses praying hands in the air for victory over the Amalekites, Christians, prayed in the church and gave thanks for God's mercy, with some great players, and others like Francis suffered at home in their bodies.
Catherine Elizabeth was thirsty bring them a strong word and give a testimony of love, across the Communion of Saints! then out to the crowd, and there, without a microphone, to tell everyone "Christ loves you!". The team of attendants come Lagny has followed suit, and as flames spread through the streets Grande, "Christ loves you! were spreading.
As it was sweet the evening of that day, back through the city, think how Christ had, through our voice, poured out his love on so many people.
Congratulations for your tenacity Helen and congratulations to all those who joined, our priests, Father Patrick Laubier, Catherine Elizabeth, the servants of Mercy and their friends, who set up tents and tables, embellished the church with flowers and sumptuous bouquets and those who had more menial tasks and discrete ...

The children were delighted to welcome the relics, and have led the rosary at
beginning of the meeting!

Bookstore and festive time ...

Testimony of Frederick
weekend of the Divine Mercy has allowed us to get together for two days at St. Louis to confide in and worship Jesus merciful the relics of Saint Faustina Kowalska.

The testimony of the most ambitious for the faith to the most humble and teaching on the worship of Mercy helped make this gathering the necessary insights to understanding the work of Mercy initiated by Saint Faustina. John Paul II when he dedicated the sanctuary of Mercy in Cracow, said the Divine Mercy was the spark that would ignite the world.
Beyond education, it is the prayer of the third hour, the hour of
Death of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy that have united in the same fervor brothers and sisters together. We were able to immerse ourselves in the eyes of the merciful Jesus during his Passion. A force of Love and Life that can repair our sins and those of the world.


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