Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Canned Goods Funny Taste

Joy moot

We know nothing about something, we only know its appearance. To know itself, we must go beyond what is form and name. Reality appears and is experienced only in identity, knowledge without purpose, "existence, consciousness, bliss" , sat, chit, ananda. when the name and form are eliminated, these terms disappear in their turn as concepts and leave us in solitude. Apparently is fiction. "

Jean Klein

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Friday, December 10, 2010

How Should A Brazilian Wax Look Like

Excerpt from "Vijnana Bhairava Tantra" The look

"Let your thoughts dissolve into space,
then the contents of consciousness will dissolve depths too, and you will know
pure presence, freed from Dream. "

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Caulk Alternatives Bathtub


A weekend retreat in the Community of the Word of Life Andecy to better understand God's mercy and prepare for a process of consecration to Jesus merciful ... in the presence of the relics of St. Faustina!

After an hour of Mercy, Sunday afternoon, all members of the Community and the retreatants still present went in procession to the site of the future chapel to entrust to the Blessed Faustina Construction ... praise and thanksgiving ...

of Philip and Bridget
Thank God for the graces received through St. Faustina.
We really understood the union of two words: LOVE AND MERCY!

Monday, November 22, 2010

South Park Online Episodes Stream

From a text by Jean-Marc Mantel for the magazine Recto-Aquarius in December 2010 on the theme" Change your life "

The way we look our existence is determinative of the way we live. We can see that it is most often tinged with judgments, opinions, which tend to make us live in the belief that our existence is not well as she should differ, and if it was different, we would be happier.

Our notion of happiness is so dependent on the circumstances of our existence. That these circumstances change, and happiness is leaving too.
This is a belief. It is not necessary to consider this belief as reality.

We talk about looking, but do we just watch?
Do we enjoy with our senses what is perceived? Do we welcome
around us without defending ourselves and react?
If we do not know is that we do not know what it means to watch.

The look itself is not problematic. It is the tool of perception that allows the perception to occur. Without light, can we collect?
Watch is an art. It is an art to get in our perceptions, without locking themselves into a ruling or an opinion.

When we close ourselves in such reactions, we are more then himself in the eye, but absorbed in mental processes.
See this, it is already out. Extract it is to live a quality of light freed from the bondage of thought. Looking
freed from bondage to thought
is the root of meditation.
It is meditation. * * *

Michel - The eye-cup, which you speak, and take home the world lived without the filter - and the rest intimate -.
but there's also a look-arrow, which intensifies the self and the ego taking over the world and leads to the sinking in the shallow
. A good example of the latter position is the camera. Few people or those who join a
certain absence in the act of "taking" of view. Most often, this is a form of conquest: it enslaves the world
in the "kicking" ... The look is a double door to power: to live or to inflation of the ego.

Jean-Marc - This is Ramana Maharshi, who said: "Looking to the outside sees me, turned inward, sees
self". A look that hosts do not generate internal conflict. It is an expression of love. A look of concentration is
fed by fear and intention. He is reaching for a goal, and moves us away from ourselves. There are, of course, room for a look
functionally focused, to accomplish such a task accurately. But it is not maintained,
once the task, and disappears without a trace. This is not the case for the next defensive interpretive
that creates and sustains the conflict. The ego is shrinking. The Self is opening. The light from the ego is so contracted that
from the Self is fully dilated.

Christophe - Could you elaborate on the idea of "concept" (see "Our notion of happiness ..."), which may be relative
and not in tune with the reality of happiness?

The idea of happiness is but its mental representation. Happiness itself defies ideation. It is the source of all joy
. To him you are referring when you say: "I'm happy."

Christophe - Instead of saying that "if circumstances change leaves us happiness," would it not be better to say that our report
happiness changes with the circumstances? And if they are unfavorable, it may then ensue
disappearance of the happiness, at least the idea of it.
But happiness in its absolute reality is still there.

Yes, happiness is the background quiet and silent, which emerges in the manifest. It is not the
shown. It is not a condition that, by definition, is transitory. Through ignorance we connected with the happiness
circumstances "happy". Happy for who? For me, of course. But a state "happy" is not the
happiness itself, although it prolongs it.

Christophe - Could you elaborate on the idea of "necessity" (see "It is not necessary to consider this belief
as reality)? Do we not already see this as a belief, before to become free and then
consider it unnecessary to believe that? For it seems that many of us take yet the moon is
lanterns ...

Indeed, the belief must first be seen before it can leave you. Belief refers to someone who believes
and an object of belief. This division between the thinking subject and the object is thought that mental production. It does not exist in the unity of the background.

Philippe - What can you additional practical advice, in addition to recognizing and stopping

Stopping projections can not be a practice. The projected end when you see clearly
their inanity. When projection disappears, your eyes are only that, he can not fade, as the background
all perception. Inhabiting this look is not the result of an effort. It is a collusion between you, virtual character, and he constantly
of consciousness, in which "you" and "him" are one.

Philippe - In fact, with regard to practice my journey, I often stumbled upon a vacuum inside so that when
identifications were no longer fed, I came across a space too dry as stone ...

The finding of no object of perception is done from your presence. You Are not the "empty space", but
're the expert. By failing, you are returned to your original nature, which precedes all perception.

Philippe - So it seems to me that small practices of pranayama allow me to accompany the withdrawal of projections
promoting the birth of ecstatic joy.

attention to the breath brings the negligence of thoughts. Neglect of breath brings attention to itself.

Philippe - In addition, at some point, is not the result that grips us when we least expect it

Yes, absolutely. Grace is a "gift from Heaven," which may be the result of the will.

Rene - It seems difficult at first to stay in that look. Indeed, by force of habit, we have
reflex to flee, to compensate for the discomfort that can occur when, in company with this intimacy with ourselves,
back deep fears, buried. That's what drives us to "occupy" to find a new activity that
hide this simple fact to keep in company with that look. Before the world around us, what is this
first glance this is our inner world. Finally, apart from the existential suffering, what
makes this look eventually we seek, after trying many therapies, tests of all kinds? Is this also
one manifestation of this truth which is sought?

Absolutely. The look is consciousness. Conscience is truth.

Catherine - all about how our lives and how we look at how we depend
understand the world.


Catherine - The reality, as the construction of the word suggests, is one (a res = thing)-istance is
because there is something different from everything that we originally that consciousness can arise because consciousness is nothing
the image of that thing fascinated a form of energy.

consciousness, considered here in its ultimate sense, is the container. The image is the content. The content can not be

Catherine - The gaze selects according to its original encoding, its mark of the first time. It is not
neutral. There are eyes that see the surface and other depth. It is a question of maturity. When the fruit is ripe
, sugar wins the kernel!

The look is always identical to itself. Being the connoisseur of transformations, it is beyond any
transformation. The whole is perceived in him. But it can not be an object for itself. He can not look, otherwise it would mean that it is

Lawrence - Do you think the real "Regard" is there a "tool of perception" which is no longer enslaved to thought, the vast
tribulations of mind? It is suitable for meditation, and even it is meditation.

The look is that it sees. It is consciousness itself. She is the eye.

Lawrence - assimilation to you the "Observation" we can wear our "body-mind", which allows us to have
back on it, guiding us toward the liberation of "Being"?

Yes, the look is observation. In him is revealed the body-mind.

Bettina - I always look all excited because, in fact, what I want is union with what is not. So I'm bored
. I would be so "in love" ...

In nature, the eye is free of any trial. When you see that the object of your desire is nothing but a mental projection, the projection and the desire fades off. But you, being, vision, do not turn off.
you're always the same as yourself, unchanging and unchanged. You are the love you seek.

Jean-Claude - In parallel and echo to your text, here are some words of Eric Baret ("Nobody listens," Third Millennium
, No. 29): "Listening is the only thing that we can not do. When you think listen, there is no listening
but thought: we are taking to the actor. Listening is the decision of the claim himself as a standalone entity
. When we no longer claims remains listening. " I say, at that level, a certain quality of light reaches a superior listening and sends us back to the Art of Presence or the Art of Being Alive.

Sure. Presence is life.

Eliane - "No eye can see, you drill?" I suppose that "look" is understood in the broadest sense: there is
perceptions non-visual ...

Yes, non-visual perceptions are part of the perceived, beyond physical vision, encompassing the entire manifested in its

Denise - What is it next? There is always the 'front stage' and behind the scenes.

This is the look behind the scenes, one that can be watched.

Denise - It is the perception that constantly speaks, contacts, decrypts, prunes, open, accepting, despite the comical situations
who seek to manipulate, grab, hold, submit ...

Perception is inherently impersonal. This is the thinking mind that the interpreter.

Denise - What to do when the situation is closed, sclerotic, dark despite the acceptance and feelings of suffering that is there
, lived deep in the Other, although we know that suffering is psychological
and it is lived continuously because the understanding has no place?

See me and the other two fantasies are contained both in the silence of a single glance.

Denise - Do we ever look never leave our perceptions in the art to give to the Other, Life, Love, time, patience, dignity, tolerance ... by Grace, contact the source deep
regardless of outside opinion?

There is only one look. He is the sediment that unites the pseudo-individuality. In him lies the love that seeks

Denise - Can I conclude that it is life that we manage and not us who are managing life?

Life is indeed the sole actor. The "me (s)" that many are taking various faces
to better express its infinite possibilities.

Denise - I understand that the text is written between the Source and ego, it seems important to also talk about the relationship.

The relationship is a fiction. One can enter into relationship with himself.

John - This text reminds me of some texts or Jean Klein Krishnamurti. The clarity and simplicity
sometimes obscures the content or reduced to an essentially resembling the abstract. In fact, on the side of perceptions, work
all in the ephemeral. But I feel that approaching a non-dual perception, we first meet our own limitations.

Yes, the limits are collected from non-limited. Only the non-limited can recognize what is not.

John - Just like the famous paradox of Achilles and the Tortoise "as used in mathematics to exemplify the
infinite series with a limiting condition at the start: for each step that the Turtle - who has a good length
advance, Achilles can only travel half the distance between them and this makes it infinitely repeatable effort

That is why any effort to achieve what we do because we are away.

John - Usually, we give the generic name'ego 'to a whole set of limitations. But it could be rather
residual patterns from our relationship with the material world. How to use, how to optimize or integrate
what was seen with what we already knew?

Consciousness is the source of all knowledge. The known is perceived. Knowing is seeing it. The
knowledge is what connects the two. Knowledge can not know itself as an object. Otherwise, it would still be divided between
limited knowledge and a broader knowledge that contains it.

Sophie - The reading of this text raises a question, or rather dissatisfaction. Any part of this life
took place with regard to this bondage of thought, without knowing it. Then, the view, finally, this
enslavement, and then, in effect, an extraction. Today, I saw this extraction, look, relishes, welcomes,
bondage is dissolved, a few moments. Alas, it returns immediately, and sometimes, just seeing him, I (my ego?)
do not let go and can even hang me like a drowning her rescuer.

gaze which perceives the control is outside it. You can not see if you are in prison.

Sophie - The look is finally freed it from the Sage of Being done?

There is only one eye. It's yours. He who receives all of the manifested, including the waltz views.

Sophie - How to move from understanding mental practice total?

By accepting the possibility that you are what you want, and leave to infuse this understanding into you, until you
and are no longer separated.

Sophie - Is there a due diligence exercise, or purification of the heart to practice?

Any practice keeps you in the idea of a goal. Arrow Can s'atteindre itself? Being yourself
order, you can not do anything to be. Being is thus a self-revelation: I am!

Sophie - Is there an increase or a tipping point beyond which the postage is acquired and final?

You can progress in the recognition that you are not. But knowledge of what you're
, there is no progress. Being is an absolute identity, undivided, inseparable, can not be object of knowledge, the source of all knowledge.

Sophie - Are there different ways, different ways?

paths and routes can bring you the threshold of yourself. They can not make you realize what you are. Your beingness you seek. Let you enter. Give yourself completely to the feeling of being that comes to you when your mind is peaceful. It is the fullness of silence that you seek as well.

Valerie - That's what inspired me to your text. See meditation as an instrument, enjoy peace, the pleasure of being
itself, the eye moves, the conflict disappears. Then I moved. I remember the people who helped me.
life reminds us that others do not choose their place of birth ... The incarnation is revealed in us. All the leads we
in itself, to the love that unites us, this desire to share. Aspire to do is legitimate, it is a starting point. Thanks for

your words.

Mary - Is it possible to change "his life" or what I call "my life" is it a piece of film projected onto the screen of consciousness, and whose script is written as Nisargadatta says. Quote: "My education is: what is
about the movie, anything will. What you to work or not. All this is recorded in the film long before these efforts possible. So do not pretend to have done anything because all things are
and arrive by themselves. " Nisargadatta - excerpt from "Be" - (2nd hand chap 4)

The question of choice disappears in the absence of the man who chooses. For the rest, the world takes care of itself.

Mary - Is the will of a "me" who is not in any way may influence the course of events?

Will is fixated on a goal. When you realize you are yourself the goal you seek, desire fades, giving way to peace.

Marie - positive or negative thoughts they have any effect on the manifest?

Inside and outside are one. Whatever affects one affects the other. The quality of thinking has an impact on the manifest.

Mary - Can I change my outlook on life, voluntarily?

A change of perspective is necessary to you when you understand that the origin of suffering lies not in the circumstances, but in your inability to accommodate them.

Mary - Being an observer of the show he will "improve" the show?

The show and the viewer of the show are not separated, as the mirror and reflections that are in him. The observation leads to the estrangement. This is not the result of the refusal, but the prospect of a global consciousness that contains the
shown in its entirety. Conscience is the eye. It is the sole observer.

Marie - Watch Life "meditative mode," he demonstrated an impact on or is it just a way to accept what is?

When the manifest is contemplated from an impersonal view, the reactivity in you disappears. The concepts of denial and acceptance as you leave. Leaving only the unity in its presence.

Marie - How not to fall into denial, repression or resignation?

Listen to your body. When you're in denial, he expresses in the form of tension. When you're in the perfect acceptance, it breathes and relaxes.

Stephanie - The look is a long view of our own existence ... The look is it then as a manager?

Say rather the container.

Stephanie - What we say with words is there a connection?

Words are thoughts put into shape. They are the mind and extend his tool of expression. When the words spring from the silence, they have the power to reduce to silence. When spring restlessness, agitation they stimulate.

Stephanie - A silent hand, what remains?

Silence is the very fullness. It contains the world without being dependent. The whole world is his expression. To silence him everything.

Stephanie - Undocumented faith nor law-are those who remain in precisely this context, the mystics are those who are also in this connection the view of the world ... Is it so difficult to accept that there is no frame, no look, finally
? Or do we have an existential need (beyond our own will) to "bring light" to define it, to stay in the "eye of the researcher" ... at all was not said or done?

The vision is still present, for the simple reason that is that of consciousness itself. Conscience is vision. You can remove the substance that makes your own life. Projections by cons,
can leave your mind but not the medium that supports them.

Stephanie - The eye perceives is that limited?

The look is that of the unlimited. It is by its nature unlimited he perceives limited. The interpretation of what is seen is up with her in mind, memory. It is limited in nature.

Stephanie - Is it just our mental processes that lock us into a sense of context, or is there a karmic reality included in our eyes?

gaze is impersonal, free from karma. The interpretation is, it, of mental nature. Therefore it obeys the law of karma, which transforms any cause indeed, and all these effects.

Zipporah - Your text soothes the spirit, encouraging people to accept that is. But why have we not first need to see what is, and love that lies behind all this?

See what is in effect saying wants to see without interpretation, without judging. It is this quality of vision that you sought and that contains the desired peace. The nature of light is love, total love, free choice and preferences.

Zipporah - How to grow the presence and peace while being actively engaged, aspiring to balance and to embody this quality to be?

You yourself are the presence and the peace you seek. No fighting can lead you to what is already there. See, it can leave you in combat. Without struggle and fight, you are in your immediate presence
. Disregard what you're not. Thus is revealed to be himself.

Zipporah - Are we not made to improve ourselves through the work and effort, while noting that we never better than when we are calm and serene?

It is your quality of presence that gives the work its meaning and its size. Otherwise, the action is as automatism, automatism.

Richard - Thanks for this wonderful text that is itself a meditation. The look that looks itself without watching a particular object, but encompassing the whole of Being in the full acceptance of what is, in an eternal present

All these words ultimately point to a single reality. The latter is beyond any description, although these names link to her like arrows at a target.

Pascale - When we say "change the perspective on his life," can we talk or think about self-confidence?

Yes, confidence is a form of acceptance, which can cope with the incessant movement of the circumstances and situations with the firm conviction that the moment itself is always just as it is.

Pascale - If we want to change the perspective on our lives is that we have a better perception of ourselves.

Say we start to watch me from a point free view of all judgments.

Pascale - But the view that we perceive what about other?

The way people look at you theirs. What it awakens in you, you belong. So ignore the gaze of others to stay with what he awakens in you. You will see that it is your own decision as
you fly, and not that of others.

Pascale - You speak of thought and meditation. But how do we know if we're on the right path, even if we have one goal, one desire, and we put aside the opinions, judgments?

There is no right way. Every moment is perfect as it is. The shortest path is that leads you to what you already are. It does not come from a mental projection, but the silence that precedes any projection. It brings you back to wholeness and
silecieuse you are.

Oonagh - A projection operation does necessarily in both directions between two people or one person can throw it on you without that we can consciously prevent this projection?

mental projections are part of ordinary operation. All be established in such a perspective sees the world through the filter of his mind, his memory. You do Thus it, but you can see that the mental representation
built in his own mind. Mental projections of others may awaken your own projections. Then your own projections that you are enslaved, and not the projections of others.

Oonagh - Do we have an action on these projections, if not indifference?

see the impact that these projections will have on you. If they awaken to the pain or emotion, stay fully present in this event coming up. Do not fall into the trap of blaming the other for what you
belongs. These are your own memories, which are then reactivated. They will not leave you until you have completely accepted.

M. - This text for me is the reminder that we are not what we believe. It is a breath of fresh air I get. The concepts that we receive training in art therapy that I am now, I do
forget. What we are taught gives me the impression that he must be in a constant mental processes of analysis, analytical observation, based on concepts of psychopathology, to be always in a speech
verbal or mental, etc.. Have nothing to say to me does not seem to be seen. For some trainers, is a mark of ill-being or discomfort. The observation that we are asked to have me feel that it must be accompanied by an arsenal
record. How can I explain the difference between observation and look? And are there one?

There are different ways of observing. The observation in the usual sense is a regard for things, responsible for interpretations. The painting, for example, is analyzed, dissected. It is not really looked. The look
we talking about here is an analogue of listening. It's like if you listen with your eyes. Perceptions are received in a vacant space, quiet and silent. Only in this quality of observation that comes understanding.
In the language we use here is the next observation. It is the only silence that collects the multiplicity of the world.

Annie - How to achieve that is itself the goal that we seek?

Observe carefully the nature of your desire. You see it leads to non-desire to a silent fullness that is revealed after the satisfaction of desire. There is no desire more than the desire to be. He is the ultimate desire.

Annie - The "script" that there is already writes or reads it from moment to moment?

Who asks? Is consciousness, connoisseur of the world, or an ego in search of reinsurance? Consciousness is without question the source of any matter. Whatever the answer to a question, the
me will never be satisfied because it is itself the expression of dissatisfaction. Who knows about the satisfaction of dissatisfaction. Dissatisfaction and advanced to the ultimate satisfaction, which is to be what I am. In this unit with this
I am, the question of fate and destiny does not arise. Consciousness transcends all forms of evolution. Evolution concerns what is born. Consciousness is the unborn. * * *

Thank you all for the wealth of your contribution. * * *

text by Jean-Marc Mantel for the magazine Recto-Aquarius in December 2010 on the theme "Change your life"


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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Bmi Chart For Women 2010


time with the Notre Dame de Bonsecours this weekend around the holy relics of Fau stine !

following is an account of John Jacques:
The arrival of the relics of St. Faustina in Bonsecours was a great success: 130 people at the mercy of the prayer vigil Saturday, November 13 in the presence of Poirson father, father and father Duriez Durand and 150 people during the hour of mercy on Sunday afternoon.
Corinne Lorenzo and his team we have to sing songs of praise and meditation on mercy.
The public has sensed that Saint Faustina was a holy "major" in the church canonized the first half of the 3rd Llenaire by the will of Pope John Paul II, who recognized the importance of mid ssion that Christ had issued: to its great to know mercy to humanity and suffering and prepare the world for its second coming.
The teaching skills nts Helene Dumont also have to rediscover how to live and practice in orde miséric n ur life.
It was a new time of grace for our diocese after the first gathering of dioc Esain Yveto t April 11 to celebrate the Feast of Mercy. We now have to build on this strong momentum coming together occasionally for prayer vigil for mercy but also by being a missionary to the people outside the church, suffering and excluded entitled priority to know they are loved by God and they can come to him with confidence.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Creative Title For A Birthday Party

MERCY MEET THE 16 AND October 17, 2010

A wee k end of Divine Mercy: peace, joy, thanksgiving

Report Laurence
In this week of Missions, we can say that the relics of St. Faustina came to us, encourage us in the mission, what needs! I saw the crowds outside who wandered into badal in relaxation, while valiantly, like Moses praying hands in the air for victory over the Amalekites, Christians, prayed in the church and gave thanks for God's mercy, with some great players, and others like Francis suffered at home in their bodies.
Catherine Elizabeth was thirsty bring them a strong word and give a testimony of love, across the Communion of Saints! then out to the crowd, and there, without a microphone, to tell everyone "Christ loves you!". The team of attendants come Lagny has followed suit, and as flames spread through the streets Grande, "Christ loves you! were spreading.
As it was sweet the evening of that day, back through the city, think how Christ had, through our voice, poured out his love on so many people.
Congratulations for your tenacity Helen and congratulations to all those who joined, our priests, Father Patrick Laubier, Catherine Elizabeth, the servants of Mercy and their friends, who set up tents and tables, embellished the church with flowers and sumptuous bouquets and those who had more menial tasks and discrete ...

The children were delighted to welcome the relics, and have led the rosary at
beginning of the meeting!

Bookstore and festive time ...

Testimony of Frederick
weekend of the Divine Mercy has allowed us to get together for two days at St. Louis to confide in and worship Jesus merciful the relics of Saint Faustina Kowalska.

The testimony of the most ambitious for the faith to the most humble and teaching on the worship of Mercy helped make this gathering the necessary insights to understanding the work of Mercy initiated by Saint Faustina. John Paul II when he dedicated the sanctuary of Mercy in Cracow, said the Divine Mercy was the spark that would ignite the world.
Beyond education, it is the prayer of the third hour, the hour of
Death of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy that have united in the same fervor brothers and sisters together. We were able to immerse ourselves in the eyes of the merciful Jesus during his Passion. A force of Love and Life that can repair our sins and those of the world.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Port Royale 2 Hex Editor Savegame


Happiness of mercy

The first weekend of October, the Community of the Word of Vi e of e Sheet rmont (Belgium) proposed a retreat devoted to m iséricorde with St. Teresa and St. Faustina. A nice time with the c o sisters whose hearts upset the vigil!

is the testimony of Mark:

Mercy save the world .

This is the theme of education developed by Hélène Dumont *, the 1 st and 2 October in Fichermont. is also the statement of Jesus to St. Faustina (Polish nun canonized in 2000) in 1930. Jesus loves us very much (not a figure of speech) into our misery, for his mercy. This mercy that associates the noun even in our misery and heart of God united by love.

What can we do without mercy to save us? Nothing!

What should we do? Let us love.

Jesus loves us and respects us very much in our freedom, we only ask our confidence.

Jesus I trust in You!

is also the motto that appears under the icon of the merciful Christ represents the apparition of Jesus to St. Faustina.

Jesus asks us a heart to heart, to transfuse his life and forgiveness of his heart open to our wounded heart.

Say yes to him with love and it will do the rest for our happiness now and forever! Yes Jesus I trust in you!

Jesus I trust in you!


Sunday, November 7, 2010

Can I Swallow A Banana


The prayer vigil around the relics of Saint Faustina, which took place September 25 in Crepy en Valois has its origins in the pilgrimage made by parishioners in Poland two years ago.


blessed, we could already visit the Shrine of Divine Mercy in

Lagiewniki and pray before the image of Merciful Jesus. Converge in this place where thousands of pilgrims who constantly intercede for our humanity so full of distress, some parishioners have measured the importance of the Rosary of Mercy, a devotion that would add more to others, practice Rosary immerses the world damaged by sin in the heat of the merciful love.

Pilgrims from Poland have been completed to make us understand the size hello attached to this practice. The image of the merciful Jesus has touched our pastor since he proposed to hold a prayer vigil. In due course we thought that the presence of relics of St. Faustina would make us more alive. Thus, after having contacted Hélène Dumont, we got to host The Mercy of Jesus. Through two conferences well documented Helen sent us the apostolic fire which animated St. Faustina, his great love for Jesus and souls. Many have discovered

Saint Faustina and the practice of the rosary.

After praying before the picture, revered relics and have received word of the Lord everyone could be touched personally by the light rays from the Heart of Jesus that comes directly from the Father of Eternity.

Since then every Friday at 15h, we celebrate this time of Mercy of the Blessed Sacrament and the image of Merciful Jesus. We are in hopes that St. Faustina did not come in vain Crepy but poured some perfume fragrance of divine love in the secret hearts, indicating that its mission is complete.

Evidence Marie-Josée

Thursday, October 7, 2010

New Moon Bella Canon Printer

mystery ... Illumination

"The explanation goes well for practical things, but are displaced for beauty, love and mere presence. Just let things be. Love the mystery instead of solving the riddle. "

Leo Hartong

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Whitehall Row And Sail For Sale


From 3 to 10 July 2010, a pilgrimage to Poland in the footsteps of Saint Faustina and John Paul II was organized by the Servants of Mercy.

Here are some testimonials and pictures of this wonderful week:

The example of John Paul II and St. Faustina remain marked in our memories as their presence and their spiritual footprints glowed through this beautiful pilgrimage to Poland. We very much enjoyed: Mining and the labor of salt, Wawel Castle, home of the Pope, the monastery, the Stations of the Cross, the highest devotion to Jasna Gora and the very good and hearty welcome we have been dedicated to the shrine of Lagiewnicki Cravovie have made this trip a success on all fronts. Thank you to those who prepared the organization. Thank you for that spiritual building made the small group that we were fed on time for prayers ... I can testify that through the assistance of Sister Faustina in my life. His example is right, go straight to Jesus!

and Alain Theophile

I had the grace to join you this summer, I 'm left to wear as a child in need of protection and affection. I felt inhabited by the mercy and continues to amaze me what happened and still happens. I do not know how to write all my impressions, so the field is immense. I was very impressed by the fervor of Poles and the simplicity with which they express their faith, without ostentation. I admire their courage and determination to keep their faith alive. I felt great emotion Czestockowa before the Virgin and a gentle heat, a mother's touch in the bottom of the head. Some time before I had tinnitus and found myself free of these events. I learned to pray before the image of Jesus of Mercy . Arlette

After the pilgrimage, we shared a lot on our experience with children. It shows a strong enrichment and particularly on the spiritual and human. The children were moved by the piety of the Polish families, the history of their country and the availability of priests and nuns. The message of mercy is past, and now accompanies us every day. Françoise

Friday, October 1, 2010

My 96 Ford Taurus Cigarette Lighter

" For enlightenment to take place on receiving just needs to turn around and awake to the fact that he is looking to face with his own nature-that THIS IS IT. The spiritual seeker ultimately found he was already destined that he himself is what he wanted and he was already at home. "

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Does Orange Juice Generate Phlegm

the full expression of life

Only when we live in our totality,
free of any goal, any preference and any choice
free of ego, that may flourish full expression of life. John Klein

tilidom file storage

Photo: beach Condofuri (Calabria-Italy) September 2010

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Halloween Costumes - Crutches

Q & A with Jean Marc Mantel

Saturday, August 28, 2010

How Many Pills Zopiclone Overdose

What I Know?

The moment you say "I do not know 'is critical.

At this point, all the energy that was projected eccentrically
you back concentrically,
and there is a blackout.

In that case it is the total "I am,"

Jean Klein

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

When Do You Know When A Scorpio Man Is Into You

at the moment ...

... where you say "I am"

the entire universe is born at the same time as his Creator. "

Nisargadatta Maharaja

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Denise Milani Faked Pic

"I Am"

In a perfect spontaneity, you let go. It opening ...
Basically, assimilation is not a real thought, pronounced as represented
is the total consumption of what you are not in what you are
Everything is absorbed into the "I Am". John Klein

extract: "listening to the self"