350 people from all over France came together this weekend to Valpré (Lyon) a magnificent National Meeting Mercy aroused by Cardinal Philippe Barbarin and Bishop Albert-Marie of Monléon.
All the diversity and richness of the Church of France shone in our meeting with the presence of various religious congregations (such as the Little Sisters of the Poor, Mary and Joseph's Mercy ..., the New Communities (Myriam Bethlehem Road ...), Nine Movements (Mother of Mercy ...), Associations (Secours Catholique ...) ... the faithful deeply committed to the Mercy and very happy to be in Church to deepen the mystery.
The meeting was punctuated by times of prayer, teaching and time friendly.
A great climate of peace and inner joy reigned throughout our deepest meeting.
Monsignor Barbarin, special speaker, in his lecture in the morning we said the word "Mercy" from the Greek and Hebrew translations, the word "Mercy" which is common to Christians, Jews and Muslims. We made it taste the way, from the scriptures that we can better appropriate it, understand it better from within. Using concrete examples, experiences, he showed us how Mercy could be a source of dialogue and meetings with Jews and Muslims.
With Chaplain Monsignor
Hubs led by four bishops met the expectations of participants on practical matters:
- Discovering Divine Mercy in the Bible with Bishop Legre
- Mercy and solidarity with Bishop Berranger
- Mercy and the Sacrament of Reconciliation with Bishop
Chaplain - Pastoral Care of Mercy with Bishop Monléon
Eucharist on Saturday morning presided over by Cardinal Barbarin and the four bishops we
Vigil allowed to hear beautiful testimony of mercy received, which transforms the look on people, which heals the body and, mercy given to the detainees or from men suffering from abortion-related injuries to their wives ... then following the screening of the video of the World Congress held in Rome last April and we were able to achieve the universality of the message of mercy.
Congress concluded Sunday morning October 5, the feast of St. Faustina, for Mass at Our Lady of Fourvière Mass presided by Bishop Monléon.
Appointment is made for the 20-21 February 2010 in Lisieux to the next National Congress before the world in 2011! meanwhile, we are exhorted to be witnesses of Mercy where we live, but also come together to pass this mercy in the world!
Some participants pray before the statue of Our Lady of Fourviere ...
Some Servants of Mercy present to Congress heading toward the entrance of Our Lady of Fourviere ...
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